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04. Sep 2020

This is a multidisciplinary project aimed at increasing our knowledge regarding the co-existence of a threatened seabird due to climate change and humans in our urban coastal landscape. Kittiwakes, which are a threatened seabird usually living in bird cliffs along our coast, have increasingly changed their distribution and behavior towards a more urban lifestyle. This provides new threats to a red listed species and has the potential for conflicts since kittiwakes are known to be quite noisy and messy birds, but also mutual benefits as a result of co-existence in urban space. There is therefore a strong need for more knowledge of inter-species encounter and co-existence in urban space. We will test the hypothesis that kittiwakes are becoming more urban due to climate change, in order to increase our knowledge of how this species may cope and their increased interaction with the human activities. We will also look more deeply into and study the different views regarding urban kittiwakes held by members of the public, local business, wildlife organizations and councils. The knowledge gained from this project will be highly important to urban authorities and management agencies and contribute to new knowledge on human/wildlife interactions in Arctic coastal areas, as well as inform management and policy-making under changing environmental conditions.

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